How to Develop a Concussion Management Protocol for High School Football Programs?

Concussions, an injury deriving from impact to the head, have increasingly become a prominent issue in high school sports, particularly in contact sports such as football. With this increased scrutiny comes the necessity for schools, athletic programs, and coaches to develop a comprehensive concussion management protocol. This protocol not only aids athletes’ recovery but also ensures their safe return to play.

Identifying a Concussion: Symptoms and Impact

The first step in dealing with concussions is understanding what a concussion is and how it manifests in athletes. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head or body that shakes the brain inside the skull. This can cause chemical changes in the brain and damage to brain cells.

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The symptoms of a concussion can be subtle and may not show up immediately. They can last for days, weeks, or even longer and may include a headache, confusion, lack of coordination, memory loss, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ringing in the ears, sleepiness, and excessive fatigue. There’s also an emotional impact, with the athlete displaying mood swings, feelings of depression, or anxiety.

The impact of a concussion can be significant, particularly in young athletes. There’s a risk of Second Impact Syndrome (SIS), a very rare condition that occurs when an individual sustains a second concussion before the symptoms from the first have fully resolved. This can lead to severe injury and even death.

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Concussion Education: Empowering Coaches and Students

Understanding concussions, their symptoms, and their impact is not only the responsibility of the medical team but also of coaches and student-athletes. Part of your concussion management protocol should involve education for all parties involved.

Coaches play a pivotal role in spotting potential concussions during games or practices. They need to understand the signs of a concussion and steps to take if they suspect a player has suffered one. This includes removing the player from the game immediately and seeking medical attention.

Student-athletes also need to be educated about concussions. They should be encouraged to report their symptoms and to look out for their teammates. The culture of "playing through the pain" can be detrimental when it comes to head injuries. The slogan "when in doubt, sit them out" can be lifesaving.

Taking Action: The Role of Athletic Trainers

Having an athletic trainer on staff can be an essential part of your concussion management protocol. Athletic trainers are health care professionals who specialize in preventing, diagnosing, and treating muscle and bone injuries and illnesses, including concussions.

An athletic trainer can evaluate and monitor an athlete who has suffered a concussion, providing appropriate medical management and tracking the athlete’s recovery. They work collaboratively with physicians to make return-to-play decisions, ensuring the athlete’s safety is the primary concern.

Return to Play: A Step-by-Step Protocol

Once a student-athlete has been diagnosed with a concussion, the process of returning them to play must be gradual and carefully managed. The return-to-play protocol is a critical component of concussion management.

The athlete should first rest and avoid any physical and cognitive activities that could worsen their symptoms. Once the athlete is symptom-free at rest, they can begin a step-wise increase in activities. This can start with light aerobic exercise, moving on to sport-specific exercise, then to non-contact training drills and finally full-contact practice. The athlete should only move to the next step if they remain symptom-free at the current level.

This step-by-step protocol ensures that the athlete is given adequate time to heal and reduces the risk of re-injury. The final decision to return to play should be made by a healthcare professional, not the athlete, parent, or coach.

Ongoing Management: Monitoring and Follow-Up

The management of concussions does not end with the athlete’s return to play. Continuous monitoring is necessary to ensure that the symptoms do not return and the athlete remains safe.

Athletes should be encouraged to communicate any recurring symptoms or problems. Follow-up medical evaluations should be conducted to check on the athlete’s progress and health. The need for academic accommodations should also be addressed. A student who has suffered a concussion may need extra support or adjustments in their schoolwork while they recover.

In developing a concussion management protocol, the primary goal is always the safety and well-being of the student-athletes. By understanding concussions, educating all parties involved, taking swift action, following a careful return-to-play protocol, and providing ongoing support, you can create a protocol that best protects your athletes.

The Importance of Research: Utilizing Google Scholar and PubMed

As part of the development of a concussion management program, it’s essential to stay updated on current research and best practices. This can be achieved by consistently reviewing research articles and consensus statements on concussion care in high school athletes. Two valuable resources for this are Google Scholar and PubMed, both of which provide access to a vast array of scholarly articles.

Google Scholar is a freely accessible search engine that indexes scholarly literature across various disciplines, including sports medicine. It is a valuable tool for finding articles related to concussion management in high school sports. PubMed, on the other hand, is a free search engine mainly accessing the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. PubMed can provide more specialized research articles relevant to sports concussion management.

Research can provide valuable insights into the best practices for managing concussions. For instance, studies have shown the importance of an early diagnosis, prompt treatment, and gradual return-to-play protocol. Research also underscores the critical role of education in managing concussions. It asserts that an informed student-athlete is more likely to report symptoms promptly, leading to early detection and successful management of a concussion.

Furthermore, research emphasizes the importance of neurocognitive testing. This method can help athletic trainers assess an athlete’s cognitive function post-concussion, aiding in the decision of when it’s safe for them to return to play. By integrating these research findings into your concussion management program, you ensure that your protocol is based on the most current and reliable information available.

Making a Difference: Implementing a Concussion Management Program

Having a well-structured concussion management program can make a significant difference in the safety and well-being of high school athletes. This program should be comprehensive, including all aspects of concussion care from education and prevention to immediate response, treatment, and follow-up care.

A crucial component of any program is concussion education for coaches, student-athletes, and parents. All parties involved should understand the signs and symptoms of a concussion, the risks associated with this injury, and the importance of removing an athlete from play if a concussion is suspected.

Furthermore, the management program should include a clear plan for immediate response to suspected concussions, which would typically involve an athletic trainer or other medical personnel evaluating the athlete. The program should also provide guidelines for treating concussions, including rest, gradual return to physical and cognitive activities, and neurocognitive testing. A step-by-step return-to-play protocol should be in place to ensure the athlete’s safe return to sports.

Lastly, the concussion management program should include plans for ongoing care and monitoring, including follow-up medical evaluations and academic accommodations if necessary. A comprehensive and well-structured concussion management program ensures that your athletes are getting the best possible care, reducing the risk of complications, and aiding in their recovery.


In conclusion, developing a concussion management protocol for high school football programs is a crucial step towards ensuring the safety of student-athletes. A comprehensive protocol that includes education, immediate response, treatment, return-to-play protocol, and ongoing care will provide the best outcomes for athletes who experience a concussion.

As new research emerges, the protocol must be updated to reflect the best practices in concussion care. Resources such as Google Scholar and PubMed can provide valuable insights into the latest findings in sports medicine, helping to refine the protocol.

Remember, the primary goal of any concussion management protocol should be the safety and well-being of the student-athletes. An effective protocol will not only support the health of your athletes but also contribute to the overall success of your high school football program.

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